Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Layout of Your Vegetable Garden

Traditionally, vegetable gardens have taken the form of those all too familiar plots of rows that are found in large, open fields or nestled away in the backyard. While this layout was once considered quite popular; times have changed. Large plots often require more attention, and some people don’t have the option of growing vegetables in large plots anymore.

Many of us actually require something taking up less space and less time. There is another alternative, which can be just as effective with an additional bonus - a layout designed for small areas. The layout, which seems to fit the busy person’s lifestyle as well as one that can accommodate those who have limited room for a traditional garden, comes in the form of small beds. These not only save on space but can be helpful to the plants themselves by allowing them to grow closer together, which essentially provides the soil with shade and results in more moisture for the crops and less weed growth for the gardener to deal with.

Beds should not be more than 1 to 1.2 metres in width since your main objective is easy maintenance. Smaller beds allow you to maneuver around the area while watering, weeding, or harvesting. Dividing beds with pathways also will lesson the chances of harming crops by preventing yourself and others from trampling the plants and surrounding soil. Placing plastic or some type of garden sheeting over the paths will also keep weeds out, and adding some type of mulching material or gravels will improve the appearance. You should mulch around crops as well to help them retain moisture.

In arranging the garden bed, plant the early crops in such a way that will allow for other crops to follow once these varieties have faded out. For instance, rather than wait for these earlier crops to die out completely, go ahead and plant the later crops in between beforehand. This technique will help keep the garden alive with continual growth while adding to its appearance.

Keep the taller plants, such as corn, towards the back of your beds or consider placing them in the center with other crops working downward in size. Instead of flat beds, you might consider raised ones that are edged with wood or stone.

You do not necessarily have to limit yourself to beds for a unique vegetable garden. Browse through books, catalogs, or public gardens for new and interesting ideas. Family, friends, and neighbors are also a great source of ideas, and many of them are more than willing to share their successful secrets with others.

There is also the option of growing your vegetable garden strictly in containers. These can be arranged in a number of ways including hanging them from baskets on your porch. Containers can also be moved around with others added as needed. In fact, you could incorporate some containers into your beds for additional interest.

If you happen to live in an area close to wildlife, you might consider surrounding your garden by a fence to keep pesky animals out. A fence also can serve as a trellis for beans, peas, tomatoes, and vine crops that often require support. For just an extra touch of beauty, incorporate flowers and herbs around the outer edges of the garden as well.